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�Updates�New Layout for A New Era Of GreatnessI'm not sure if you have noticed but I have engineered along with my brother a new layout for all you you A.S.S.-holes..10/2/03UPDATE: I apologize for the immense lack of updates but I have great news for all you A.S.S-holes out there. The Alliance Super Site is undergoing extensive redesigning and will have a fresh new look. It should be up soon so keep checking back for when it's up. -Enforcer 6/30/03UPDATE: Hello all. Sorry for the lack of updates but my computer had crashed recently and I had to reboot it to the original factory setup. This means I lost all my programs and files. The whole folder where this site was backed up has been lost. So now I'm forced to have to save this all on a cd before I lose it again. Oh well. I will try to get some new material up on this site soon for your viewing pleasure. So don't fret and wipe those tears from your eyes we will be coming back at ya with a vengeance. HOO HAH! -Enforcer 6/23/03UPDATE: Well, I still didn't write a new article yet but do not fret I will try to get you a new article from me soon. Anyway I added a new convo to the convo section. This one was another with our friend Amanda. Hope you enjoy it. Till the next update Crackababies. -Enforcer 6/18/03UPDATE: Back again...There is yet another article by Twilight...Damn he writes so many articles. Oh well my updating contribution to the Alliance Super Site is more important that anyone's. I added a section to the Media section where you can adopt Alliance Mascots and I made a new Alliance Wallpaper. Hope you all enjoy it. -Enforcer 6/15/03UPDATE: Well Well it's me the quintessential studmuffin updating this site which I'm sure our four fans out there are rejoicing about. Twilight wrote a new article about Osama and George Bush. Me, I haven't written shit since I have a bad case of writer's block. Yea you know the thing that causes your balls to sag on the floor and you develop purple spots around the nipples. It's quite severe but I will get over it and you will see new articles soon enough. See ya. -Enforcer 6/6/03UPDATE: The first time I ever update this site. Well there are two new articles. My article, and Twilight's article. Enjoy my dear boy! -Impact 6/4/03UPDATE: Well here we go, another update for all you A.S.S-holes out there. Hope you appreciate it. This new update is Alex's new article. It's about Politics, whose running for president and Cookies. Well maybe not cookies but hey a man can dream... -Enforcer 6/1/03UPDATE: Woohoo!!! First of the Month of June. What does that mean...Summer's almost here...What else does that mean? New York City is going to start screwing kids with regents exams. Fun Fun Fun. Oh well, I'm proud to say that I'm the first one to put up a new article for the month of June to kick start it off. Enjoy it. It's about 5:05 am over here and the sun is just about to start rising. Do you know what that means? Time for me to go to sleep. Oh well. Enjoy the article and the rest of the site. Till next time amigos -Enforcer |
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