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Things That Piss The Piss Out of Me5/25/03 After
looking at all the articles on this vast whole of stupidity known as
the Alliance Super Site, I realized something. Enforcer,
These assholes were hell bent on stopping the war in Iraq and knew NOTHING about the situation. George W. Bush wasn't out to destroy Iraq, nor did he only care about oil. He was out to stop Saddam from owning nuclear weapons and free the people of Iraq. Which, I might add, he was successful in doing. The most retarded part of this situation is that the war is over and we still have fucktards in the street holding signs that say "War is bad", "Bush hates God", and "Osama is my dad". The war is over! Just forget about it already!
Another thing that pisses the proverbial shit out of me off is the sheer hypocrisy of the church. The Christian religion has it's share of problems, as does any religion, but all and all I think it's pretty good. What I hate is how the church turns people into zealots who think there going to heaven and everyone else is fucked for all eternity for not believing in what's "right". Anyone who knows about the Story of Jesus H. Christ knows that the dude was an anarchist......
I believe he was an anarchist because he rebelled against the
religion that dominated his country, which was Judaism. This man is
praised as a hero by the same people who think you will go to Hell
if you disagree with the religion that dominates our country. Kinko
hypocritical. People who persecute Pagans, Wiccans, and Atheists are
the people who are too ignorant to be able to tell the different
between a devil worshipper and a Satanist. If a person says they can
do magick, they have a connection to the gods, and they can summon
spirits, it might be wise not to persecute them. After all, Jesus
said he could do all that stuff too. The
ReLigious SoLdier,
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