What makes 1126 such a sacred number
5/24/03 For
centuries people have tried to understand the ancient mystical ways
of the 1126. The actual definition is "Fun, sex, rock n roll,
speed, weed, birth control, life's a bitch and then you die, so fuck
the world and let's get high, and if at first you don't succeed,
then try again with better weed." However, that is not
all it stands for. 1126 is actually a very chi-like way to live.
Perhaps the Shamanistic way of the 1126 is best represented by this

"Man, it was 4:20 all day!"
Rob Van Dam is a well known pothead, and there are numerous drug
references in the definition of 1126. Plus he's always stretching
and meditating, so that covers the spiritual side. Another
person who fits the number:

Fear is only a 4 letter word that begins with an F.
Like the 1126, Jeff Hardy seems easy enough
to understand, yet he's kinko deep. He writes poems, paints
paintings, and doesn't mind that his brother, Matt Hardy, is
slightly gay. Then there's the whole "Live 4 the Moment"
way of life he lives. Well, anyone who follows the 1126 has to live
4 the moment, after all, doing multiple drugs and having all sorts
of unprotected sex does take its toll on your life.
So, who else lives by the number of the
Gods? Glad you asked.....

"My stomach hurts from all the cum I swallowed today"
Posh Spice has had more sex than any other human, animal, bug, pod,
or Canadian. She broke the world record for most STD's,
abortions, and number of times they had to sew a person's asshole
back up. She even has some diseases not known of yet, right now
we're just calling these viruses "Posh A", "Posh
B", and so on. Despite the fact that she has more diseases than
the rain forest, I still like her. The 2nd word in the definition of
1126 is what makes this woman so great.
So let's see, RVD is the drugs, Jeff Hardy
is the hidden deepness, and Posh Spice is the sex. So where does
rock n roll come in? 
NOFX, when their NOT high
punk rockers, NOFX, have made countless songs about their 2 favorite
hobbies, sex and drugs. Songs such as 'Drug Free America', 'Louise',
'Liza', 'Liza and Louise', 'Herojuana', 'Two on Glue', 'Three on
Speed', 'Melvin vs PCP', 'S&M Airlines', and more, definitely
show their love for the 1126 subculture. NOFX is the ultimate rock n
roll incarnation of the 1126. Were you really that surprised that
their a punk rock band?
Anywho, I'm no where near done with truly
getting the meaning of this number, which is older than the Bible,
Stonehenge, and Hulk Hogan. I am on the right track, though. We will
have the answer someday, we just must keep looking. Just remember,
the 1126 can be found in all places. It can be found at a head shop
in the village, at a bar full of irish people, or in Posh Spice's
bedroom. If you seek this sacred number, it will find
you......until then, lata skataz.
ReLigious SoLdier,
The Wiccan Warrior of The WiLderness....
TwiLighT of The Gods

- Alex (TwiLight)