Convo 3
Member- Enforcer
Alliance Victim- XxXJaRuLeXxXl
Well this
conversation, I pretended to be this 11 year old horny girl from
California. I think he was actually turned on by my age, SICKO!
Alliance: hiya
Alliance: a/sl
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: hey
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: u?
Alliance: 11/f/cali
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: wat part?
Alliance: hope street
Alliance: u there
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: hey
XxXJaRuLeXxXl:wat city?
Alliance: L.A
Alliance: uuu
Alliance: u
Alliance: u
Alliance: u
Alliance: ?>
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: anahiem
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: ever come up here
Alliance: yea my grand mom lives up there
Alliance: u got a girl friend?
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: nope
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: gota bf
Alliance: nope, i'm all alone. :-(
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: me to
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: gota pic?
Alliance: yea but not now, if we talk tomorrow i could get u
Alliance: i have a web cam but i dont wanna use it rite now
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: kool
Alliance: u ever had .. sex ?
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: i want to see u
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz
Alliance: 4 real
Alliance: u sound hot hehe
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: yup
Alliance: so wat do u like to do for fun
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: play football
Alliance: kool
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz can u but on ur web cam
Alliance: i like to watch nickelodeon, and touch my self
while watching dave aizer
Alliance: hes so hot he makes my premature self all wet
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: kool
Alliance: have u ever tried to see wat ur private part taste
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: nope
Alliance: mine taste like rotted cheese
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: hey....
Alliance: do u have a pic?
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: nah
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: can u but on ur web cam
Alliance: no i dont feel like it right now
Alliance: maybe if u can get me wet ill do it just for you;-)
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: ok
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: wat u wearing
Alliance: well im wearing a cut up spongebob shirt and pair
of barney panties
Alliance: but my overgrown vaginal hair is poking out
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz put it on i gtg now
Alliance: ohh u do
Alliance: well im sorry im not gonna
Alliance: u didnt do it
Alliance: i guess that sux for u
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz im begging u
Alliance: im not sure
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: plz c'mon
Alliance: ill do it maybe if u can convince me
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: im leaving plz
XxXJaRuLeXxXl:i want to see ur pretty face
Alliance: well ok
Alliance: lemme get my pic
XxXJaRuLeXxXl: lates
Previous message was not received by XxXJaRuLeXxXl because of
error: User
XxXJaRuLeXxXl is not available
He then left. I
guess he had some small child to fondle or some kiddy show to jerk
his chicken to.