Convo 2
Member- Enforcer & Prophecy
Alliance Victim- MarineCorpM
Well this
conversation, Prophecy and I, pretended to be this the same black
man as before. This girl lived in California and sent me one of the
fakest pictures I have ever seen. She was probably a pudgy donut.
Alliance: hey
Alliance: a/s/l
MarineCorpM: hey asl
Alliance: 19/m/ny
MarineCorpM: pic
Alliance: yeah
MarineCorpM: ok lets trade
MarineCorpM wants to directly connect.
MarineCorpM is now directly connected.

Alliance: u have any more ?
MarineCorpM: no sorry, my mom has my pics i just moved
It was at this time that we
both figured out that this girl was not really what the picture
looked like.
so can i see yours
Alliance: oo
Alliance: yeah

i'm the one on the left
Alliance: wut u think ?
MarineCorpM: nice
Alliance: u like black men grl
MarineCorpM: yes i do, whos the girl
Alliance: my mom
MarineCorpM: lol are you serious
Alliance: lol nah i'm just playin ho..
Alliance: thats my step sis
MarineCorpM: oh lol i was gonna say your mom looks good for
her age,
Alliance: aw thanx grl
Alliance: so where u been all my life
MarineCorpM: around why?
MarineCorpM: do you say that
Alliance: i'm just playin nigga , hold up before u get played
Alliance: so how is cali hunn
MarineCorpM: oh, good
MarineCorpM: warm, a lot of hot guys lol
Alliance: u think i'm hot baby??????????????????
MarineCorpM: yeah i think you are
Alliance: ha ha ha
Alliance: u cute grl
Alliance: u one hot white bitch, u heared that
Alliance: so wut u like do to ?
MarineCorpM: play, volleyball, basketball, tennis, go to the
beach, and go
to clubs
Alliance: oh i like to eat fried chicken, watermelon, play
basketball and
steal shit
Alliance: u know master p baby\
MarineCorpM: oh
MarineCorpM: what? lol sry
Alliance: u know MASTER P ?:?
MarineCorpM: no
Alliance: ohh, well i stole is shoe
Alliance: u got a fine body on u
MarineCorpM: oh, thanks
Alliance: u got aids?
MarineCorpM: no
MarineCorpM: do you
Alliance: good, cause all the other ho's on ma block got
thats shyt
MarineCorpM: why do you ask?
MarineCorpM: oh
Alliance: cause i dont liek grls with diseases they could
give me , like
gental warts and cancer
MarineCorpM: yeah, well your safe with me
Alliance: all this talk about diseases is makin my penis soft
Alliance: u ever went down on a guy ?
MarineCorpM: nope, im a virgin
Alliance: damn ho, i said HEAD not sex
MarineCorpM: no
MarineCorpM:and thats oral sex
MarineCorpM: and im not a ho]
Alliance: nah i call all my lady friends ho's
Alliance: dont take it personal ho
MarineCorpM: ok
Alliance: soo u go to the college shit i heared about
MarineCorpM: well im a marine
Alliance: thats like over doo summer school rite
Alliance: oo thats cool, u ever shot sum one in the groin
MarineCorpM: nope
Alliance: i did and it hurt them mighty fine
Alliance: u meet ossma bin laden
MarineCorpM: well i got to go bye
Alliance: nah u aint goin to i say so
Alliance: so what u like to eat ?
MarineCorpM: well no MAN controls me
Alliance: hey i go both ways
MarineCorpM direct connection is closed.
Alliance:i like to dress in womens clothing
MarineCorpM: ok your weird
Alliance: thats shits hot
Alliance: u grls like that rite
Alliance: my ass is killin me
Alliance: i gtg feed my uncle charlie..he smells like hot
garbage and ass
We decided this
girl was boring us so we used the oldest excuse in the book, the
Uncle Charlie one.