Convo 1
Alliance Member- Enforcer
Alliance Victim- HoTPrInCeSs2424
Well this conversation, I
pretended to be this black man from the mean streets of Brooklyn. I
think I really scared her, but hey I guess it SUCKS FOR HER...Enjoy
HoTPrInCeSs2424: 19.f.ny.u?
Alliance: 19/m/ny
Alliance: wut part of ny ?
HoTPrInCeSs2424:long island.u?
Alliance: Brookln
Alliance: yea the bad part
Alliance: with all the guns and black people
Alliance: u ever been shot before
Alliance: i gots shot like shfifty five time
Alliance: so wat kind of music u like
Alliance: u got a pic
HoTPrInCeSs2424: =-O
HoTPrInCeSs2424: 5?
HoTPrInCeSs2424: damn
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i gots shot once
Alliance: not five, SHFIFTY FIVE
Alliance: once
Alliance: dam u amateur nigga
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i iant no nigga
Alliance: u aint
Alliance: than u a ho
HoTPrInCeSs2424:i 'm white
Alliance: u a ho?
HoTPrInCeSs2424: nope
Alliance: u peckerhead?
Alliance: i dont mind white bitches, they got nice smelling
arm pits
Alliance: u got nice smelling arm pits
HoTPrInCeSs2424: nahh
HoTPrInCeSs2424: sorry i don't smell
Alliance: dam
Alliance:i dont mind
HoTPrInCeSs2424: lol
Alliance: do u clean urself
Alliance: with a toothbrush
HoTPrInCeSs2424: ur anz azzz
Alliance: wat
Alliance: wtf is that
Alliance: is that some peckerhead slang
HoTPrInCeSs2424: ur an azz
HoTPrInCeSs2424: lol
Alliance: spell it right
Alliance: is spelled
Alliance: a765
Alliance: thats how my teacher be teaching me
HoTPrInCeSs2424: lol
HoTPrInCeSs2424: wanna see muh pic?
Alliance: yea
HoTPrInCeSs2424:wants to directly connect.
HoTPrInCeSs2424:is now directly connected.

HoTPrInCeSs2424: i'm in da
Alliance: wow bitch u SUPERFINE
Alliance: u got a pimp
Alliance: cause hot bitches like u, in my hood usually gots
the pimps
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i gots a man from ga
Alliance: oh
Alliance: georgia got all the gays
Alliance: does he suck mans tools
HoTPrInCeSs2424: lmao..not really
Alliance: yea nigga dont be telling me where all the gays are
Alliance: i been knowing before u
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i live there soo shush
Alliance: i thought u said u lived in ny
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i used tooo
Alliance: oohh
Alliance: i heard it smells like ass there
HoTPrInCeSs2424: nahh
Alliance: dont lie to me
HoTPrInCeSs2424 direct connection is closed.
Alliance: i smack ho's who lie
Alliance: so have u ever participated in acts of anal sex
with 5 men, three
dildo's and old woman with a strap on
Alliance: u there sweet cheeks
HoTPrInCeSs2424: what did u just say??
Alliance: i says...
Alliance: have u ever participated in acts of anal sex with 5
men, three
dildo's and old woman with a strap on
Alliance: cause I HAVE
HoTPrInCeSs2424: nahhhhhhh
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i iant down wit hthat shit
HoTPrInCeSs2424: like black guyz are
Alliance: wat u trying to u
Alliance: u racist peckerhead milky white ho
Alliance: not all black guys are down with that shit
Alliance: just me
Alliance: and my bros
Alliance: and my grandmotha
Alliance: have u ever wanted to go down on ur grandparents
Alliance: when their trying to pee
HoTPrInCeSs2424: fuck no
Alliance: u havent
Alliance: then maybe i am the only one
Alliance: so wat do u like to do for fun?
Alliance: u there
Alliance: dont die on me now
HoTPrInCeSs2424: i ant
Alliance: wat
Alliance: speak english
Alliance: i dun understand ur white talk
Alliance: speak english sucka
Alliance: r u there
It was at this moment, that I
think she decided to stop talking to me before she got internet pimp
slapped. Oh well.